pictures from the program
queuing up to embarkation
the glorious departure
view as we leave Tokyo
everybody got to see the wheelhouse
last sight of Japan
sake party
drinking sake, the traditional way
our Japanese friends are performing
on the stage
and the winner is
every one waiting to play
captain, my captain
first view of Singapore
the Maldives
first view of Seychelles
on the beach, in Seychelles
we are on the newspaper
Kenya welcomes us
safari adventure
rest spot before the safari
we met giraffes
the fortress of Mombassa
the "old" part of Mombassa
trading at it's best
practising Japanese drums
soccer time on board
cabin change
all this must move
and a (totally) blind date
a very interesting presentation
get set...., go
food festival, the Japanese way
Jordan's Prime Minister
at Petra
comedy scenes
texts by